Life Change Starts with Clarity

There are moments where each one of us have wished for significant life change – this could be related to our current circumstances, our jobs, our vocations, our relationships, and even something about ourselves. Our constant desire for improvement and life change is a natural consequence of being human as all of us desperately want to see forward momentum and progress. We want to see that “breakthrough” because there’s something within all of us that speaks to us deeply about how things today are not as good as they possibly could be.
As a result we’re willing to put ourselves at risk, to try new things and new relationships for the hope and the chance of obtaining that which we do not have yet but believe that we can have soon. That’s why the “self-help” and “self-improvement” industry is a billion dollar industry – in 2008 it was estimate that it would scale beyond $11 billion (and that was 4 years ago)!
Despite the changing economic tidal waves which we’ve all experienced the market is continuing to expand and grow. Although I’m not a fan of everything that I see sitting out on the shelves at your local Barnes and Noble I do encounter occasional gems that remind me why I love the industry that I’m a part of.
Every week I am able to walk through people and organizations through our unique processes of helping them explore the opportunities they didn’t know even existed.
What happens, though, is the genesis of incredible life change, of turning raw potential into incredible power. And I get to be a small part of it.
What’s neat is that I’m not doing anything extraordinary – I’m walking people through their systems and processes, providing guidance, direction, and a little contextualization of what is already happening. Even in a recent coaching session the person remarked:
Wow. I can’t believe we’ve been doing it long and this wrong! Your help and guidance has helped us solve problems we’ve been struggling for… for years! Have you’ve been reading my email about our problems?
The “mail” has always been there and has been delivered every single day – we’re just providing a better way of sorting, reading, and getting something out of it, together.
Life change doesn’t happen overnight but it has to start somewhere and it starts with a small injection of clarity – of who you are, how you act and influence others, and what you can do about it. It’s a spark and the beginning of something incredible. So, in many ways, we start with understanding YOU.
I’m so thankful for the opportunity to serve those that we get to serve and I want to do it even more. We’re slowly growing, expanding our own influence, and helping individuals and businesses thrive. I can feel good about that.