Agile For All is an Agile and Scrum consulting firm dedicated to Making Agile a Reality®.
We guide companies through the nuances and challenges required to adopt Agile successfully.
To us, success is exceeding our clients’ expectations so they can exceed their customers’ expectations.
Our documented history demonstrates that we know what we’re doing!

Get certified with experienced, trusted Agile For All trainers today. CSM, A-CSM, CSD, CSPO, and more.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not hold public, in-person courses until it is safe to travel again and will be offering LIVE virtual online training for most courses. We will continue to monitor the situation and make decisions for future courses as needed for the safety of our clients and to support everyone’s wellbeing. If you have any questions or would like to discuss options for you or your team, please contact us.
If our public courses don’t suit your specific needs, or you’ve got a team you’d like to tailor a customized class for, Agile For All can help! Every engagement is customized to your organization, contact us and let’s see what we can do for you. View our private class offerings.
Agile Community – presented by Agile For All – is your place to learn and grow! We are a robust community of Agile professionals from all walks of life. Sign up to our community for access to our members-only forums, webinars, live streams, and behind-the-scenes video content!
Agile experts with real-world experience and the expertise to help your team succeed.

Bob Hartman
Known as “Agile Bob,” Hartman brings more than 30 years of experience and broad industry knowledge cultivated by serving in almost every role in the software industry including developer, tester, documentation writer, trainer, product manager, project manager, business analyst, senior software engineer, development manager and executive.

Peter Saddington
Peter is a 3x startup founder, angel investor, and Certified Scrum Trainer who has been in software development for 20+ years. He has three Masters degrees (Counseling, Education, and Religion) and the author of The Agile Pocket Guide (Wiley, 2012). Peter’s a proven enterprise coach and startup founder with real world experience moving businesses to agile.
Real Agile or BS?
The “Agile” label is used a lot these days, and not always accurately. Join Bob and Peter as they examine what’s Agile and what’s BS.
What is a RELEASE TRAIN ENGINEER? - Is it Agile? - [REAL AGILE or BS?]
What is MOB PROGRAMMING? - Is it Agile? - [REAL AGILE or BS?]
Overfilling the Sprint Backlog? - How Much is Too Much? - [REAL AGILE or BS?]
Are Hardening Sprints Real Agile? - Should You Do Testing After Development?
3-9 People on a Development Team - Is that ACTUALLY Agile? - REAL AGILE OR BS!
Should You Have QA at the End of the Sprint? - REAL AGILE or BS!
BUG FIX SPRINTS? - Is this Real Agile or BS?
Are EPIC User Stories Real Agile? | Real Agile or BS?
Should You Track Hours Worked on Backlog Items? - [REAL AGILE or BS]
Should You Work on 13+ Point Stories in a Sprint? - [REAL AGILE or BS?]
10+ Person Team? - Should You Split up Large Teams? [REAL AGILE or BS?]
Alpha & Beta Testing [REAL AGILE or BS?]
Should we Empower Teams to Make ALL the Decisions? [REAL AGILE or BS?]
Is it Real Agile to Have Two Developers Working Together? [REAL AGILE OR BS?]
250+ People on a Project? [REAL AGILE OR BS?]
Agile Daily Dose
Daily videos from Agile For All focused on Agile principles and thought that you can implement into your work, right away.
Agile Daily Dose: The Benefits of Swarming
Agile Daily Dose: Why Does Waterfall Invite Failure?
Agile Daily Dose: Cost of Delay
Agile Daily Dose: Use Innovation Games
Agile Daily Dose: Take Pride in Your Work
Agile Daily Dose: Daily Scrum Doesn't Have to Be Boring
Agile Daily Dose: Commitment & Accountability, Is Your Team Getting It Wrong?
Agile Daily Dose: No Estimates
Agile Daily Dose: How to Use the Eisenhower Matrix
Agile Daily Dose: The Empowerment Bill of Rights
Agile Daily Dose: Eliminate Dependencies
Agile Daily Dose: Silent Retrospective
Agile Daily Dose: The Expedite Lane
Agile Daily Dose: Backlog Refinement Basics
Agile Daily Dose: Team Building Bucket List
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Agile For All has served a wide range of regional and world-class organizations.

303.766.0917 | 4833 Front Street, B-194 | Castle Rock, CO 80104 | © 2021 – Agile For All