Getting to Know A4A: Peter Green
Our Getting to Know Agile For All series continues. This time, we talk with Peter Green.

Where are you from?
I am from Heaven.
I am from all over the west. I was born in Lake Arrowhead, CA, and have lived in Ontario, CA, Riverside, CA, Temecula, CA, Tempe, AZ Provo, UT, and Seattle, WA.
If I’m not with a client, I’m…
Making music – playing trumpet, composing or arranging music, recording or producing music.
Favorite restaurant?
Newly discovered in Waltham MA: Gustazos, a Cuban place in an unexpected part of the US. Fantastic food.
If I could sit down for coffee/drinks/etc. with anyone, alive or dead, it’d be…
Jesus Christ. Who wouldn’t want to talk to the Savior of the world?
Where would you take them?
His choice 🙂
The best part about my city is…
Temecula is relatively close to most of Southern California, at half the cost of living of the rest of Southern California. A great place for families.
What’s your best travel tool or tip?
Get Diamond Status on Delta. Your airline experience will drastically change. 🙂
Favorite learning hack?
If you want to learn something, teach it. If no one wants to hear you teach it, make a video teaching about it, or a slide deck, or write a blog post. My Laloux Culture Model was exactly this – I wanted to solidify the model for me personally, but no clients were asking about it. So, I decided to make an animated video teaching the model. It has become one of most viewed blog posts/videos.
If I had to choose a totally different career, it’d probably be…
Making music. No question. Honestly, I might still choose that as a career at some point. If I’m not making music regularly, my wife notices: I get a bit grumpy. It is a core of who I am.
Favorite thing about your work?
By far my favorite thing is seeing people’s work-lives change for the better. Whether, that’s a shift from frustrated to excited, unhealthy to healthy, confused to on target, or struggling to successful, it’s a great feeling to have a small impact for the better.
Go-to movie quote?
I probably say this to my kids at least a couple of times weekly, which I’m sure they love.
I wish I had the ability to…
Transform the business of making music for every day musicians. Music as a career is brutal for all but the very, very lucky.