Getting to Know A4A: Carol Conrad
Agile For All has grown to 11 people now, but many of our readers and clients only know one or two of the team. So, over the next few weeks, we’ll be introducing each member of the team by having them answer some questions and share some photos that go beyond the official bio on the team page.
Today, we’re introducing Carol Conrad. Carol is a member of our operations team and handles many of the logistical details that make our classes run smoothly.

Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2014 my husband and I moved to Denver. I’m still getting adjusted to the cold weather.
If I’m not at the office, I’m…
Having fun with Tatianna, our foster daughter, going for a walk, exercising.
Favorite restaurant?
In Rio, Hachiko, the best Japanese restaurant. In Denver, Cherry Creek Grill.
Outside of my work, I’m surprisingly good at…
Designing spaces. I am also gifted at refinishing furniture.
If I could sit down for coffee/drinks/etc. with anyone, alive or dead, it’d be…
My grandparents Tabita and José, they had a significant impact on my life and many others.
The best part about my city is…
The people. I’m amazed at the committed community of which I’m a part.
What’s your best travel tool or tip?
Be adventurous and travel with someone that is flexible.
If I had to choose a totally different career, it’d probably be…
National Geographic photographer.
Favorite thing about your work?
I love our Humanizing Work event and the many people we get to know through it.
Go-to movie quote?
“I’m a peacock, captain. You’ve got to let me fly!”
Advice to your 25 year old self?
Focus on developing your strengths. I was so tuned into my weaknesses that I didn’t realize the gifts that I had that could contribute to the lives of others.