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Introduce Yourself!
Amanda Grieves replied 1 week, 5 days ago 708 Members · 800 Replies
My name is Charles Carnes and I am in Charlotte, North Carolina
I work as a management consultant and I specialize in change management, organizational effectiveness, and executive coaching. I am here to upgrade my skills and learn more about agile / scrum so that I can be a more valuable resource to my clients. I am looking to learn the core tools and understand how they are related to my current change management tools and models. I also coach a few executives in the software space and want to develop some fluency around their business.
I found you through a colleague who referred me to the Scrum Alliance, which is where I found this class.
Deanna Hoffmann
Atlanta, GA
I am here to learn all that is Agile in order to most effectively serve my team while expanding my knowledge base.
Most excited about our growing community so that we can advance our skill sets via our interconnectivity and knowledge shares.
Discovered this community after taking the Scrum Master Certification with Agile Bob. Following both emails from both Agile Peter and Agile Bob I found my way here!
Hello all, I am Tommie Styons
From: Raleigh, NC
Why: Primarily, Covid Crazy….Retired from Raleigh Fire Dept and FEMA…need to re-engage my brain
What to learn: Very curious about steam lined project management process that is more inclusive than traditional roles I have filled.
Excited to learn new progressive skills… read Jeff Sutherland book The Art of Doing Twice the Work and was hooked
How did I find: My daughter….works for the Washington Post and serves as the Product Owner on a Scrum Team…she loves the concepts and thought I would enjoy it too.
Tommie, while the book Jeff Sutherland wrote has really helped the Scrum community, I’m not so sure I really like the title. Check out this #AgileDailyDose video for why:
1 – Cory Wright
2 – Pittsburgh, PA
3 – I am here because my company is working on transitioning to Agile and I would like to learn the principles and how to properly apply them.
4 – I’m excited to connect with others individuals in the field in a collaborative setting
5 – I learned about this site from my manager, who also took this CSM course.
1) Who are you?
> Mark Halloran
2) Where are you located?
> Cincinnati, Ohio area
3) Why are you here?
> Interested in becoming a Scrum Master
4) What are you looking to learn?
> Anything Scrum that has not been apparent to me in actually doing Scrum over last several years.
5) What are you the most excited about in terms of our growing community?
> Spreading best practices and eliminating use of the incorrect term “commitment” and replacing it with “forecast”.
6) And, how did you find us?
Love it Mark! Some other terms I like to change:
Priority -> Order
Fail Fast -> Learn Fast
xxxx, but -> xxxx, AND
In my experience, those changes really help ScrumMasters and teams be more successful.
Who are you? Rachel Cruz
Where are you located? Birmingham, Alabama
Why are you here? I am committed to continued learning. To gain more knowledge and more opportunities for me and upholding the growing industry standards.
What are you looking to learn? The scrum framework and gain understanding of each every role that crucial to our success.
What are you the most excited about in terms of our growing community? Gaining merits an boosting credibility will not only engage my current network further but grow my network.
And, how did you find us? Scrum Alliance Website
Good morning!
1. Berengere “Bee” Salee
2. Atlanta, GA
3. To learn how to be a better manager to the Scrum Masters in my team, and be a better team member to the Agile projects I’m involved in
4. Having a space to ask questions and others to learn from
5. My manager took this class and loved it
1. Laura Hatzenbuhler
2. Rosemount, MN
3. I’m a scrum master and love Agile. I want to keep learning and helping my team improve continuously.
4. Many perspectives to share and learn
4. I believe it was through the Agile Virtual Summit.
Laura, when I hold trainings for my clients, I am often surprised by how few people really understand how Agile came about in the first place. We have a short (free!) course available with some background. Go to and take the “Discovery of Agile” course. I’m pretty sure you will find some interesting nuggets there. You did say you wanted to keep learning, right??? 🙂
– Bob –
My name is Hernán Vásquez from Chile.
My interest is learn, teach, share experience about Agile. I like growth and continue improve (PDCA). I find you for internet search. Regards.
Adolfo Valdés
Mexico City
Service Manager looking to improve the experience of Cisco Customers
I want to benefit from how Agile fills the gap to learn while solving complex problems
Suscribed by company
1. Tyler Fee
2. Dublin, OH
3. I am here to better familiarize myself with Agile/Scrum and to grow from a professional standpoint.
4. I am most excited to connect with new faces and to learn!
5. My employer recommended I take this course.
1 – Brandon Barski, Scrum Master
2 – Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
3 – I worked with Bob and other former Agile4All peeps at my last job and really learned a lot. I’m wanting to stay connected to the community and continue to learn.
4 – Most Agile topics are interesting to me, but at this point in my career I’m especially wanting to tune into concepts about Agile coaching and Agile above the team level.
5 – I’m excited to see more opportunities to spread Agile knowledge and awareness. So much bad Agile thinking out there, and I know that A4A really gets the mindset piece and can make a positive difference!
6- I was involved with Bob at my last job and so heard about this community through him. -
Lisa Bronson
To upgrade my outdated SCRUM credentials
The newest best practices.
The continued adoption of the AGILE framework in org’s.
Scrum Alliance
1. John Phillips
2. Toronto, Ontario
3. Continuous learning
4. Learning best practices and various agile tactics
5. Scrum Alliance
Hey everyone!
Who are you? – Tony Halstead
Where are you located? – Raleigh, North Carolina
Why are you here? – Career advancement as well as our company is starting to implement more Scrum into our workflow. I believe CSM learning and certification will help with both.
What are you looking to learn? – How to implement Scrum in real work environments.
What are you the most excited about in terms of our growing community? – Learning and passing that knowledge on to my own team.
And, how did you find us? – A few of my peers took this course and recommended it.
1- Hamam Ismail
2- Tampa FL
3- To learn agile
4- Sharing our experiences to help each other learn and grow
5- Internal company training -
Hi, my name is Joée, located in Ontario, I am here to gain more knowledge and expertise with Scrum. I really enjoy learning from others experiences and their lessons learned. I found this through Simplilearn.
Hi Peter,
Really energized by what I am discovering so far. Looking forward to this weekend’s CSM class!
- isabelle Henault
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- To improve, grow, learn and connect with outstanding humans!
- Starting the Scrum Journey.
- The endless possibilities of connection and exchanges of ideas.
- Did a bit of online research.
Hi everyone,
1- Sara Nenada
2. Toronto, CA
3. To learn! About Scrum methodology, as a more effective and efficient method of project management and creation, and get inspired in applying it to other relevant areas of life!
4. I am excited to learn from everyone’s experience, and connect!
5. Recommended by a friend
Who are you? Ed Flegenheimer
Where are you located? Lakeland, Florida
Why are you here? To Learn
What are you looking to learn? Learn about Scrum methodology. My organization uses waterfall method (and not very well I might add). Would like to introduce change.
What are you the most excited about in terms of our growing community? Meeting other professionals to build community
And, how did you find us? Co-worker sent me the link to this weekends class
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